
Cooking Book Fat Burner And Diet Blogs

Cooking Book Fat Burner And Diet Blogs

Complete Guide to Fat Fast ShareFollow us 230.1k

  • What Is Fat Fast?
  • When to Consider the Fat Fast
    • If you are already keto-adapted
    • Weight loss plateau
    • After a "cheat day"
  • How Do I follow a Fat Fast? What Should I Eat?
    • Tips before you get started
  • Many Small or Few Regular Meals? It's Up To You...
  • 3-Day Meal Plan (85-90% fat)
    • Day 1
    • Day 2
    • Day 3
  • 3-Day Meal Plan (75-80% fat)
    • Day 1
    • Day 2
    • Day 3
  • Fat Fast FAQ
    • Is fat fast suitable for everyone?
    • Is it safe to follow fat fast for more than 5 days?
    • What if I'm hungry?
    • Do I gain all the weight back?
    • Can I do fat fast without dairy?

Before I get to the details of what fat fast is and how to do it, I should mention that this is a tweaked version of the original. One difference is the decreased minimum intake of fat and the second is the reduced number of meals a day. Both of these are explained in this post and are just optional - it will be up to you which path you choose.

The Fat Fast is not a new concept, it has been around for many years. The first proponent of using fat fast to break through a weight loss plateau or "reset" a cheat day was Dr Robert Atkins himself in his best-selling book Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution.

In 2013 Dana Carpender, the best-selling author of books about low-carb and ketogenic diets, published her Fat Fast Cookbook. If you want to try the fat fast, you should get her book. It contains 50 delicious and easy to prepare recipes, enough to stay away from boring monotonous meals! Keep in mind that not all ingredients in her book are paleo-friendly and you may need to make small adjustments to fit your needs.

What Is Fat Fast?

Although most of you probably know how the ketogenic diet works, I'll give you a quick overview before I get to the fat fast itself. Ketogenic and other low-carb diets have been around for a long time. Most low-carbs diets, including the ketogenic diet, can are used for weight loss and offer numerous health benefits. In fact, very low-carb ketogenic diets have been used to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as epilepsy or Alzheimer's for decades. Currently, they are also shown to have potential use in cancer treatment.

We have all been told that all calories are the same no matter where they come from. This advice has been proven to be false and yet despite all the evidence, the guidelines still remain the same: "Exercise more, eat less and focus on eating low-fat foods." Sadly, I keep seeing this piece of advice on most packaged foods — just another reason to avoid them!

Complete Guide to Fat Fast

Here is the general rule that applies to the ketogenic diet: When you restrict carbohydrates to a certain level (20-50 grams of net carbs), your body starts producing ketones and you enter ketosis (ketosis is not the same as ketoacidosis which is dangerous).

Once you become fat-adapted, your body uses your fat stores and ketones for energy and you won't need to eat extra protein to spare muscle mass. This doesn't mean you should avoid protein — your protein intake should be adequate and based on your individual needs. Although your body still needs some glucose, it can produce it on demand via gluconeogenesis.

Fat Fast is a type of fasting often recommended for those who are already keto-adapted and reach a weight loss plateau. The idea is that you eat about 80-90% of your calories from fat while keeping your calorie intake low, up to 1000-1200 kcal a day. This fast should be followed for no more than 3-5 days. If you follow the fat fast for a longer period, you run the risk of getting your body into starvation mode, losing muscles and getting deficient in essential nutrients.

When you go on a fat fast and you are already keto-adapted, your ketone level will likely get very high (mine got as high as 3.2 mM) because most of the energy (that is limited to 1000-1200 kcal) comes from fats, and you begin burning your own body fat due to the calorie deficit and very low insulin levels.

Recent studies show that in terms of weight loss and muscle sparing, "traditional" fat fast (90% kcal from fat) doesn't seem to have more benefits than a fast with less fat and more protein. This doesn't mean that traditional fat fast doesn't work. It only means that even if you eat slightly more protein, you may achieve the same or better results. Since protein is the most sating macronutrient, it will help you keep hunger at bay during the fast.

Here's a simple calculation: the adequate protein intake from 1200 kcal for an average person is about 15-20% (or even more for physically active people and those with less body fat and more lean mass). Since you'll be eating ~ 5% or less calories from carbs on a fat fast, you will be left with 75-80% of calories from fat. Not a big difference from the "traditional" fat fast.

Studies from the 1950's and 1960's (first by Kekwick and Pawan,1 later by Benoit2) showed that a fat fast is best for fat loss and preserving muscle mass when comparing three diets (1000 kcal diet with 90% fat vs. 1000 kcal diet with 90% protein vs. 1000 kcal diet with 90% carbohydrates). However, these studies have been shown to be largely flawed. While Kekwick and Pawan admitted that participants may have been cheating and the study was poorly controlled, Benoit's results seemed to have been overexaggerated. In his study from 1965, Dr. Benoit compared results achieved in obese participants by putting them on a fat fast and on a complete fast. Interestingly, those following a fat fast experienced twice as much fat loss compared to those following a total fast during which they lost more muscle mass and less body fat. In later reviews of this study, some experts pointed out that the participants would have to have enormous energy expenditure to reach such weight loss results.

An excerpt from a review of studies from 2006 on protein-sparing effects of very low-carb diets:

"Because of metabolic adaptations to prolonged changes in diet composition, the results of such short-term studies cannot be applied to longer-term situations... Although more long-term studies are needed before a firm conclusion can be drawn, it appears, from most literature studied, that a VLCARB is, if anything, protective against muscle protein catabolism during energy restriction, provided that it contains adequate amounts of protein."

Keep in mind that prolonged calorie restriction with inadequate amount of protein can lead to deficiencies, muscle mass loss and a decreased BMR. That's why you shouldn't do the fat fast for more than 5 days. It's also important to mention that no study seems to take keto-adaptation / fat-adaptation into consideration. The body works differently for sugar-burners and those who are fat-adapted and the logical conclusion would be that fat-adapted people would lose less muscle mass during a fat fast.

When to Consider the Fat Fast

Here are the rules for when to follow the fat fast:

If you are already keto-adapted

Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you, as your body is not used to the ketogenic diet. If you are not keto-adapted, try following the ketogenic diet for 3-4 weeks and only use the fat fast technique if you reach a weight loss plateau. You can start by following my weekly diet plan here: 7-Day Grab & Go Keto/Paleo Diet Plan

Weight loss plateau

If for any reason your weight is stalling for more than 2-3 weeks and you have eliminated all the potential reasons. Make sure you check your keto ratio to eliminate the most obvious reasons for weight stalling such as too many carbs, inadequate amount of protein, fats or calories in your diet. You may want to try Intermittent Fasting (guide to IF is here).

After a "cheat day"

If you had a "cheat day" and would like to get back on track the next day. I would personally not use the fat fast for this situation but it is up to you. I would just keep eating healthy, low-carb foods from the day following a "cheat day" instead of giving my body such a calorie shock.

How Do I follow a Fat Fast? What Should I Eat?

Because most of your calories will come from fat, you have to make sure to include healthy fats such as MUFA, Omega 3s and saturated fats. You can follow this guide I have created for fats and oils to make the right choices.

The traditional Fat Fast guidelines advice is to eat 4-5 small meals a day, each about 200-250 kcal. This is totally up to you. If you prefer to have 1-2 regular meals like I do, it's perfectly fine. You can follow the fat fast for no more than 3-5 days.

Tips before you get started

  • Ideally, you should take a multivitamin to make up for the missing micronutrients on a fat fast.
  • Don't plan to do any extensive exercise on the days of the fat fast. This doesn't mean be inactive. You can always include light cardio (walking) or some strength training at home (squats, press-ups, etc.) but you should take it easy and avoid prolonged exercise. I personally didn't feel lack of energy or hunger and could easily incorporate some exercise every day (either 30-60 minutes walking or 20-30 minutes strength training).
  • Get an app to help you track your diet or make sure you track whatever you eat on a piece of paper. My iPad app has been designed specifically for low-carb, ketogenic & paleo diets. This way you can easily keep track of your macros and calorie intake, both of which are critical on a fat fast.

Many Small or Few Regular Meals? It's Up To You...

A traditional fat fast as defined by Dr Atkins in New Diet Revolution says you should be eating 4-5 small meals throughout the day, each of them containing 200-250 kcal. However, what I've learnt is that once you get keto-adapted, you don't need to eat many small meals a day to stay sated. In fact, it may be easier for you to just eat 1-2 regular meals rather than many small meals, especially if you are used to Intermittent Fasting. Eating 1-2 large meals and having a long gap between meals (16-22 hours) is an example of Intermittent Fasting.

I rarely eat breakfast and often have my first meal round 1 pm. When I was doing the fat fast, I ate the same number of meals I'm used to (2 meals a day plus 1-2 cups of coffee with cream). I just increased the amount of fat to 80-90% and ate no more than 1200 kcal. In fact, unless you are hypoglycemic, you don't need to eat too often. However, those of you who find it easier to have several small meals, you can try all sorts of fat bombs from my blog.

Keep in mind that eating just 1-2 meals instead of 5 small is my approach and it may not be suitable for everyone. I've tried the fat fast twice (with 4-5 meals and 1-2 meals a day) just to make sure all of these can be done and experienced the same results on both plans. However, I was struggling to follow the plan with several small meals. I always wanted to eat more than just a handful and my mind was thinking about food.

Below is an overview of foods you can include on your fasting days. Plus here is a complete list of suitable recipes that is updated regularly, making it easier and less boring for you to follow the fat fast!

"Small" Meals: Here is a selection of small meals you can have if you opt for 4-5 meals a day, each ~ 200-250 kcal. % Fat kcal
Easy 3-ingredient fat bombs (coconut oil, cocoa powder and stevia) - simply follow the recipe for my Chocolate Coconut Candies and only use the 3 ingredients listed above 92 65
Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs 90 67
2 oz / 60g olives 96 82
Other Fat Bombs, all sorts of fat bombs from my blog (values per piece) 90-95 100-150
Coffee with 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream (or coconut milk) 95 109
Low-Carb Cappuccino (dairy-free) 90 113
2 oz / 60g cream cheese 86 138
1 oz / 30g extra dark chocolate (85% cocoa solids) 77 150
1 oz coconut butter (= blended coconut meat, not the same as coconut oil) 91 159
Home-made Coconut & Pecan Butter, 1 oz 79 151
1 oz / 30g almonds 78 163
Deviled eggs: 1 large hard-boiled egg, 1 tbsp mayo seasoned with salt and pepper 85 182
1 oz / 30g walnuts 87 185
2 tbsp full-fat cream cheese rolled in 1 oz of ham 79 186
1 oz almond butter 82 188
Smoked salmon & cream cheese rolls: 2 oz / 60g smoked salmon, 3 oz / 85g cream cheese 76 278
2 oz / 60g full-fat cheese such as brie 75 189
1 oz / 30g macadamia nuts 93 203
1 oz / 30g of macadamia nut butter with 1 oz / 30g celery stalk 92 209
2 tbsp coconut oil. Yes, if you can eat coconut oil just like this, spoon some right into your mouth! 100 234
3 large slices / 3 oz bacon 81 239
Buttered spinach: 1 cup spinach (5.5 oz / 156g) cooked in 2 tbsp cream and 1 tbsp butter seasoned with salt 85 256
Broccoli Cheese Pie 72 258
Spiced Coconut Chips 93 259
Easy Avocado Salad: 1/2 medium avocado (3.5 oz / 100g) mashed with 1 tbsp mayonnaise (home-made if possible) and seasoned with salt 94 272
Fish & mayo tacos: 2 oz / 60g mackerel, salmon or sardines (cooked or tinned) with 2 tbsp mayo served on 1-2 small lettuce leaves and seasoned with salt 84 292
1 oz / 30g roasted pecans in 1 tbsp ghee, butter or coconut oil with a pinch of salt 95 297
"Regular" Meals: Here is a selection of small meals you can have if you opt for 2-3 meals a day, each ~ 400-700 kcal. % Fat kcal
Scrambled eggs: 2 large scrambled eggs with 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp cream cheese 80 323
Cheese-Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms 76 334
Low-Carb Thin Crust White Pizza 73 352
Shamrock Eggs with Braised Spinach 75 360
Keto Mexican Rice 74 385
Egg & Celeriac Nests 74 397
Brussels Sprout and Bacon Hash 72 400
Poached eggs with Hollandaise: 2 poached eggs with one serving of Hollandaise sauce 83 417
Delicious & Simple Chocolate Mousse 88 435
Strawberry & Rhubarb Parfait 89 448
Grilled Halloumi With Strawberry & Cucumber Salsa 76 449
Keto Vegan "Zoodles" 86 449
Ultimate Keto Coffee 85 474
All Day Keto Breakfast 78 489
Keto Mexican Chocolate Shake 91 503
Ultimate Bacon Hash (without the orange juice) 80 521
Avocado & salmon salad: 2 oz / 60g smoked or cooked salmon with 2 oz / 60g cream cheese, 1 tbsp mayo and 1 tbsp finely chopped spring onion or chives on top of one avocado (7.1 oz / 200g) seasoned with salt 82 526
Paleo Greek Meatballs aka Soutzoukakia 72 539
BBQ Pork Ribs 71 586
Quick Tzatziki from 1/2 cup sour cream (4.1 oz / 120g), 3 oz / 85g grated cucumber, 1 clove mashed garlic, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp freshly chopped dill and salt 90 539
Shirataki noodles with bacon & cheese sauce: 1 packet, 7.1 oz / 200g shirataki noodles, drained and fried on 2 tbsp butter or coconut oil with 2 slices bacon (2 oz / 60 g), 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream, 1 oz / 30g grated cheddar cheese and salt) 87 604
Paleo Stuffed Avocado 78 633
Buttered spinach with salmon: 1/2 cup spinach (2.8 oz / 78g) cooked in 2 tbsp butter seasoned with salt and topped with a small salmon fillet (4.4 oz / 125g) cooked on 1 tablespoon of butter or coconut oil and topped with 2 tbsp of home-made pesto - Paleo Avocado Pesto or Red Pesto 79 639
Quick Beef Ragù with "Zoodles" 73 645
Avocado & mackerel salad: 2 oz / 60g mackerel with 2 oz / 60g cream cheese and 1 tbsp mayo on top of one avocado (7.1 oz / 200g) seasoned with salt 86 689
Pumpkin & Beef Sautée 73 762
Keto Omelet Wrap 78 765
Herbed Omelet 81 719
Salmon with Creamy Spinach & Hollandaise Sauce 81 813

3-Day Meal Plan (85-90% fat)

I've tried the fat fast twice and I'll be sharing my progress details as well as my meal plan (Update: you can find my experiment here). For now, here are two sample meal plans I created using the KetoDiet App. These meal plans are designed for those who prefer to eat 2-3 regular meals. The first one is higher in fat (85-90% calories from fat), while the second is lower in fat (75-80% calories from fat) and higher in protein (15-20% calories from protein). If you don't drink coffee, substitute it with tea or a few nuts of your choice.

Day 1

  • Coffee with 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream or coconut milk (94% fat, 112 kcal) and 2 oz / 60g of macadamia nuts (93% fat, 406 kcal)
  • Buttered Spinach with Salmon: 1/2 cup spinach (2.8 oz / 78g) cooked in 2 tbsp butter seasoned with salt and topped with a small salmon fillet (4.4 oz / 125g) cooked on 1 tablespoon of butter or coconut oil and topped with 2 tbsp of home-made pesto (Paleo Avocado Pesto or Red Pesto) (79% fat, 639 kcal)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 14.8 g, Fiber: 8.8 g, Net carbs: 6.1 g, Protein: 36.6 g, Fat: 113 g, Calories: 1182 kcal, Magnesium: 307 mg (77% RDA), Potassium: 1347 mg (67% EMR), 86% calories from fat

Day 2

  • Ultimate Keto Coffee (85% fat, 474 kcal)
  • Avocado & salmon salad: 2 oz / 60 g smoked or cooked salmon with 2 oz / 60g cream cheese, 1 tbsp homemade mayo and 1 tbsp finely chopped spring onion or chives on top of one avocado (7.1 oz / 200 g) seasoned with salt (82% fat, 526 kcal)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 23.7 g, Fiber: 14.8 g, Net carbs: 8.9 g, Protein: 33.8 g, Fat: 105 g, Calories: 1114 kcal, Magnesium: 284 mg (71% RDA), Potassium: 1562 mg (78% EMR), 85% calories from fat

Day 3

  • Delicious & Simple Chocolate Mousse — use coconut milk, sour cream or whipped cream (88% fat, 435 kcal)
  • 1 oz of macadamia nuts (93% fat, 203 kcal)
  • Keto Vegan "Zoodles" (86% fat, 449 kcal)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 38.3 g, Fiber: 20.5 g, Net carbs: 17.9 g, Protein: 15 g, Fat: 109 g, Calories: 1101 kcal, Magnesium: 198 mg (50% RDA), Potassium: 1924 mg (96% EMR), 88% calories from fat

KetoDiet App - the ultimate low-carb diet app

3-Day Meal Plan (75-80% fat)

Day 1

  • Coffee with 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream or coconut milk (94% fat, 112 kcal)
  • Keto Mexican Rice (75% fat, 385 kcal)
  • Paleo Stuffed Avocado (78% fat, 633 kcal)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 30.4 g, Fiber: 17.7 g, Net carbs: 12.7 g, Protein: 45.6 g, Fat: 95.2 g, Calories: 1132 kcal, Magnesium: 259 mg (65% RDA), Potassium: 2368 mg (118% EMR), 79% calories from fat

Day 2

  • 1 oz / 30 g almonds, roasted or raw (78% fat, 172 kcal)
  • All Day Keto Breakfast (78% fat, 489 kcal)
  • Paleo Greek Meatballs aka Soutzoukakia (72% fat, 539 kcal)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 34.8 g, Fiber: 17.9 g, Net carbs: 16.9 g, Protein: 54.5 g, Fat: 98 g, Calories: 1200 kcal, Magnesium: 228 mg (57% RDA), Potassium: 2608 mg (130% EMR), 76% calories from fat

Day 3

  • Coffee with 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream or coconut milk (94% fat, 112 kcal)
  • Brussels Sprout and Bacon Hash (72% fat, 400 kcal)
  • Quick Beef Ragù with "Zoodles" (73% fat, 645 kcal)

Total daily values: Total carbs: 20.7 g, Fiber: 7.1 g, Net carbs: 13.6 g, Protein: 58.6 g, Fat: 94.4 g, Calories: 1158 kcal, Magnesium: 249 mg (62% RDA), Potassium: 2195 mg (109% EMR), 75% calories from fat

Complete Guide to Fat Fast

Fat Fast FAQ

Is fat fast suitable for everyone?

As mentioned above, fat fast is suitable for breaking through a weight loss plateau and those who are already keto-adapted. If you attempt to do a fat fast without being used to a LCHF (low-carb, high-fat) diet, you will make your life difficult. Make sure you follow a low-carb diet for at least 4 weeks before you try a fat fast.

Keep in mind that a fat fast is quite extreme and if you have any medical conditions such as diabetes, you have to inform your doctor and only follow the fat fast under his medical supervision. It is very likely that with any dietary changes, your medication dose may need to be adjusted. This recommendation applies to all dietary changes, especially if you start following a low-carb diet that is very different to what most people have been used to (based on the Standard Dietary Guidelines).

If you are hypoglycemic, you will likely have to eat more small meals a day (traditional Atkins approach) and avoid going for long periods without eating.

Is it safe to follow fat fast for more than 5 days?

Although studies by Kekwick and Pawan and then by Benoit showed no negative side effects on a 10-day fat fast, they have proven to have many flaws and the results are therefore unreliable. The main reason you don't want to do fat fast for longer is the increasing risk of muscle mass and deficiencies during prolonged periods of drastic calorie restriction. It's better to be safe than sorry and for this reason, I'd personally follow the fat fast for up to 5 days, as originally recommended by Dr Atkins. Some resources say that fat fasting for longer (e.g. 10 days) is dangerous but I haven't found any supporting evidence to these claims.

What if I'm hungry?

Fat is calorie-dense and when you eat 1000-1200 kcal from fat, you'll realise it's not a lot of food. It's still better than doing a complete fast but you may feel hungry, at least during the first 1-2 days. If you are not keto-adapted, don't do the fat fast. You will feel hungry with no energy and most likely will develop symptoms of "keto-flu".

Drink loads of water, tea and some coffee and if you have to, avoid all sweeteners, including low-carb. Even low-carb / zero-carb sweeteners may trigger cravings in some people. If you are one of them, avoid using sweet fat bombs during this fast.

Most people find it easier to eat 4-5 smaller meals a day while others (including me) prefer to eat 1-2 regular meals. Make sure you don't exceed the 1200 kcal limit. When it comes to fat percentage per day, it's up to you. As mentioned above in the first part of this post, adding some protein seems to do no harm. Do not add more carbs. If you eat less than 80% fat, make sure it is compensated with protein, not carbs.

Do I gain all the weight back?

After you complete your fat fast, you should go back to your previous way of eating (low-carb, whole foods). Don't expect to keep all the weight off. Although you will probably gain some of the weight back, you should be able to keep a few pounds off. The weight gain doesn't necessarily mean you gain body fat. When you lose weight on a fat fast, part of it is because your digestive system gets "empty" and you also lose water.

If you follow a 3-day fat fast, you should lose 4-8 pounds and gain up to 40-50% back. If you follow a 5-day fat fast, the weight loss could be even larger, up to 6-10 pounds and again gaining up to 40-50% back. The fat loss depends on your current weight and body fat percentage. In general, people with more weight and higher body fat percentage lose more fat than those with just a few extra pounds.

Can I do fat fast without dairy?

Yes, you can. Use coconut milk / creamed coconut milk instead of cream and cheese and ghee, lard or coconut oil instead of butter. You can also use mayonnaise instead of cream cheese in some of the suggested recipes. Although I didn't follow a dairy-free fat fast, I was naturally avoiding too much dairy and included foods rich in micronutrients (avocado, nuts, eggs, spinach, etc.)

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  3. Complete Guide to Fat Fast

Cooking Book Fat Burner And Diet Blogs


Dining Room Set With Colorful Chairs

Dining Room Set With Colorful Chairs

Country Living editors select each product featured. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. More about us.

Shopping Guide: Windsor Chairs

The iconic country chair gets a spiffy update in unexpected shapes and shades.

Room, Wood, Floor, Interior design, Flooring, White, Furniture, Table, Glass, Chair,

Courtesy of Manufacturer

The iconic country chair gets a spiffy update in unexpected shapes and shades.

1 of 7


Alice in Wonderland would feel right at home in Paola Navone's sweet beech design.

($399; 33"W x 42½"H x 26½"D;

2 of 7


Hay of Denmark just reissued this handsome beech chair, which debuted in the 1960s.

($217; 17"W x 31"H x 14"D;

3 of 7


This beauty is crafted from American black walnut and beech certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

($585; 24"W x 33.5"H x 21.5"D; for stores)

4 of 7


This affordable beech version comes in seven hues—including yellow, aqua, gray, and coral.

($158; 17½"W x 33½"H x 19"D;

5 of 7


Designed to be used indoors or out, Terrain's armchair wears a bright zinc finish.

($298; 21"W x 40"H x 24¾"D;

6 of 7


A tall, tapered profile gives West Elm's seat retro-modern appeal.

($299; 21½"W x 45"H x 24½"D;

7 of 7

Arm Rests

Made in weathered oak, this farmhouse-style arm chair offers a rustic and traditional vibe.

($140.49; 23.5"W x 40.75" H x 23.5" D;

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Dining Room Set With Colorful Chairs


Veneer Dining Table Repair

Veneer Dining Table Repair

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Restoring Wood Veneer Doesn't Have to Suck Pin

There once was a time period, in which furniture makers decided to cover their wood furniture with a thinned piece of a DIFFERENT (sometimes less beautiful) piece of wood. Why?

I couldn't tell ya. Most likely because it was cheaper to use a pinewood base and cover it with a tiny bit of some other solid wood.

Thankfully, times have changed, and today I'm going to show you a few awesome techniques for restoring wood veneer furniture!

So the next time you skip by a piece at the thrift store or think about tossing that dresser you've had in the attic for years…DON'T DO IT!!!

There are so many things you can do with a piece covered in wood veneer

1 – Repair the wood veneer. If most of it is in good shape, sand the chips down, fill cracks, iron out bubbles, and paint it!

2 – Change your piece around! Drawers? Take em out! Top? Replace with tile or stone? We'll get more into that in a few.

3 – Remove the veneer – I know, I know. This is not fun at all, but I have found a way to remove wood veneer that actually isn't so horrible.

Firstly, we want to determine if the piece is covered in wood veneer at all.

After gaining some experience, you can usually determine this by picking it up.

Wood veneer covered furniture is usually a lot lighter than solid wood, and just has an all-around more sturdy feel.

If you're contemplating purchasing the piece, and can't take a piece of sandpaper to it or take it apart, your best bet is examining the wood grain.

Wood veneer usually has a very subtle wood grain, without any serious carvings or differences. It almost has a pattern to it, as it is just strips set next to each other and glued.

The entire piece is normally covered with wood veneer as well, including underneath. So looking under it or removing a drawer will usually tell you as well.

If it's a vintage piece, try to find a spot where the wood veneer is bubbling or lifting up from water damage or age.

If you already own the piece and want to find out; break out the sandpaper!

Try an area that's hidden or less visible on the piece. If the piece is painted, lightly sand the edge down so that the wood is visible.

Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture Veneer Example Drawer

Usually, as in the image above, you should see a line about 1/8″ in where the wood veneer meets the wood or particleboard. If you take a 6 in 1 tool or putty knife and slide it in between the two, the wood veneer should lift up.

Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture Mid Removal

If you don't see a line and aren't able to lift anything up, then your piece is most likely hardwood! At least in that spot…You are going to want to test a few different areas on the piece to be sure it's all hardwood.

Techniques For Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture – The Choices Are:

Choice # 1: Repair the Wood Veneer

If the wood veneer is in pretty good shape, you could forgo the removal altogether and just repair damaged areas of the veneer.

Normal wear and tear on wood veneer will mean lifting edges, bubbles from water spills, cracks, and chips.

A Whole Bunch of Glue, A Sander, and Some Paint Can Fix it up Nicely

If you do go this route, you're better off just painting the piece once repairs are finished. So basically you're looking to insure the piece is structurally sound, and any repairs can easily be covered with paint.

(Some wood filler or glue repairs can be stained instead of painted with a few tricks I talk about in my Staining Wood Filler Post, but staining wood veneer is not recommended either way.)

Cracks & Chips – Sand down the edges and anywhere that you will be filling so that the wood filler has something to stick to.

If the crack is large enough to have completely separated, use wood glue first to close the crack together.

Clamp the two sides together with these clamps or something similar:

Let the glue dry for at least 24 hours before removing the clamps.

Then make sure the area is free of paint, dust, and debris before applying the filler.

Use a putty knife to fill in the rest of the cracks, chips, and gauges. Be sure to overfill the area so that you can sand it down to smooth once it dries.

Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture Repairs

Bubbles and Blisters: If there are large bubbles in your veneer, use a razor blade to slice a line down the center of the bubble. Then fill the flattened area with some wood glue, and heat it with either a heat gun or blow dryer. Use a putty knife to flatten it down.

Basically, do what you have to in order to secure and flatten any damaged veneer.

You can sometimes find matching wood veneer for repairs, but if you plan to cover it with paint it shouldn't matter either way.

Once the repairs are complete,  sand it all down with some 220-grit sandpaper until it's uniform, and paint it normally.

Or paint it abnormally! Have a spot to hide that you sanded through perhaps? Check out what I did to a Queen Ann Side Table I accidentally sanded through the veneer top on.

A Faux Marble Painted Finish covered it up perfectly!

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Choice #2 Switch it up a Bit!

This was my choice for the most recent dresser I've been working on. we had a little trouble removing the wood veneer on a few of the drawers so we decided to just get rid of them.

Scott got some nice pine boards that were meant for flooring and lined the inside after we ripped out the drawer slides. Then he put one straight across the middle for a shelf.

Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture Refurbish

We painted the rest of the piece and it came out beautifully!

It was nice doing it this way because I got a chance to put tea on the wood after sanding it perfectly. Then stained them before he installed them. To learn more about why I always use black tea before staining wood, you can check out my preparing wood for staining article.

Other options for switching it up would be, to change out the top of a tabletop that's covered in wood veneer with another top.  You can use tin, tile, stone, or even marble depending on how expensive you want to go with it.

If the wood veneer is still in good shape, but you don't want to paint, you could also decoupage the area for something different.

I will also be doing a tutorial on Decoupaging in the near future. Subscribe to my newsletter to get that update!

Choice #3: Remove the Wood Veneer

This method is the one I use most often. It's definitely not the most fun method, but when you get to the wood underneath – it all becomes worth it.

Before you begin the step of removing the wood veneer, you need to be sure that it's hardwood underneath.

Determining Particle Board vs. Hardwood

Sometimes you get lucky and the entire piece is hardwood. But a lot of pieces end up having parts that are hardwood, and other parts (like the drawers or sides) are particleboard or plywood.

If instead of just 1 top layer of 1/8″ thick wood veneer, you see multiple small layers throughout the piece of wood, you're most likely looking at plywood.

Restoring wood veneer furniture plywood or particle board

Plywood is basically multiple pieces of veneer glued together with grains alternating for strength.

If you see what looks like a bunch of tiny pieces of wood all smushed together and then glued….that is particleboard.

Normally I wouldn't recommend removing the wood veneer if you see either of these underneath it. Until recently, I would say that your best choice would be my 1st choice: Repair the wood veneer.

But you can actually still remove the wood veneer and end up with a beautiful piece. Just look at my Hand-Painted Faux Barn Door Coffee Table!

I removed the veneer from the top of this table thinking it was hardwood throughout, only to find out that the edges were wrapped in hardwood with a particleboard center (ugh).

Find out how I got it to look like this:

Faux Barn Door Coffee Table Top

in my post Learn How to Paint Particle Board Furniture After You've Removed the Veneer.

That's a last resort though, you really want hardwood under the veneer if you go through with removing it.

One thing about wood veneer; it protects the hardwood underneath wonderfully. It's normally a pine or poplar wood, but I honestly think those are both some of the most beautiful woods to stain.

Think your piece is a different wood type? Check out my Ultimate Guide To Identifying Wood Types in Furniture and figure it out!

Related: Refinishing Metal Furniture – Things to Know Before You Start

Although, not always the easiest to stain well. If you need help with sanding and staining the hardwood after removing the wood veneer, you can check out my posts How to Sand Wood, Preparing Wood For Staining, and How to Stain Wood.

Now for removing this wretched wood veneer.

Put All of the Removal Techniques You've Learned During Your Research Together for "The ULTIMATE Method For Removing Wood Veneer"

If you've landed on this post, I'm sure you've read through quite a few others by now in search of the best method of taking this stuff off! I also researched for days!!

Nothing worked as well as I wanted it to. Each attempt ended with me swearing and grumbling. Wondering why on earth I decided to do this. Again???


Furniture makers obviously didn't bet on someone 20-40 years down the line wanting to rip all this stuff off to expose the "cheap" wood underneath. So they didn't exactly put a secret release button on the stuff. (Boy would that be nice)

Restoring wood veneer furniture Sideboard top

The sideboard pictured above was stripped completely with only a hairdryer and a 5 in 1. Including the curved drawer fronts and cabinet doors.

Removing Wood Veneer

The gorgeous Poplar that was beneath the wood veneer made it all worth it in the end, but I vowed to never spend that much time on a piece again!

So basically, after trying the last "new" method I'd found for veneer removal, and convincing my other half to do all of it for me (no go). WE finally decided, "Screw it, what if we did all of these things together??"

Now it's not the fastest method, but we endured a whole lot less swearing and anger through the process. (all him of course 😉 )

The Ultimate Method For Removing Veneer

(DISCLAIMER: I am in no way a professional on this subject. Please before using torches, irons, or chemicals of any kind be sure to consult a professional if you are unsure about anything. Always wear safety gear and read the warning labels. If you feel uncomfortable using a torch on your piece, the last step of this process can be skipped without a huge difference besides a bit more grunt work.)

Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture

How To Remove Wood Veneer From Wood Furniture

Total Time: 1 day and 29 hours

  1. Lay damp towels or cloths over top of the wood veneer piece overnight.

     Damp, not soaking, but wet enough that the surface of the piece is getting moistened.

  2. The next day, remove the damp towels and rewet them.

    Place them on top of the piece once again.

  3. Using an iron set to cotton or the highest setting – iron over the top of the towels (beware there will be a lot of sizzling and steam.)

     Do this slowly, leaving the iron in one spot for say 15 -20 secs at a time. Pay particular attention to the edges where you can slide your putty knife in for removal.

  4. After you've sufficiently ironed your piece, remove the towels.

    Again, let the piece sit overnight to dry.

  5. Now the Torch comes into play. Starting at the edge of the piece, slowly run the torch over the top of the veneer back and forth in a small section.

    Wood Veneer Torch

    Make sure you don't leave the torch on one spot for too long or the wood WILL catch on fire.

  6. After the veneer is good and hot in that section, take your 6 in 1 tool working with the grain of the wood, stick it between the veneer and wood and slowly lift it off.

    Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture Torch Step

    After ALL of these steps, they should separate like nothing!

  7. If there are still any stuck spots, you can hit the 6 in 1 or putty knife with a hammer at the base.

    Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture Mid Removal

    Make sure you hold the tool parallel with the piece so you don't gauge out the wood underneath.

  8. Work your way around the piece with the torch then scraping.

    You should be able to remove very large pieces of veneer at once with this method.

Phew! I know that seems like a crazy amount of steps for still scraping off the wood veneer with a putty knife, but trust me, it helps A LOT.

The wood veneer should slide right off when you start scraping. After all of these steps, I scraped a whole dresser in about an hour. But it was a happy hour and that's the most important part!

Restoring Wood Veneer Furniture Final

In Conclusion:

The Possibilities Are Endless! Trashing Your Wood Veneer Furniture Should Now Be Last on Your List

I always vote to save a piece of wood furniture, over trashing it. Wood Veneer or not. I hope that you will do the same!

Whether you remove the wood veneer, repair it, or change the piece up altogether, you will be glad you didn't get rid of it years from now when its beauty is still affecting your life, day after day 🙂

Come Back Next Week For My Post on Staining Wood Filler!

My next tutorial will be all about repairing wood furniture – and not covering it with paint! I will do my best to ensure that as many wood furniture lives are saved as possible.

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Veneer Dining Table Repair


Chinese Chippendale Dining Set

Chinese Chippendale Dining Set

The 5 Best Patio Dining Sets of 2021

Enjoy your meal outdoors with these stylish table and chair combinations

Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links.

The Spruce / Chloe Jeong

Whether you live somewhere that's warm all year round or you just want to take advantage of sunny days, an outdoor space is a coveted commodity. Turning it into a true oasis requires the right furniture, especially if you plan on using your space for eating or entertaining. Choosing a patio dining set is fun if not a little daunting, as there are a wide range of options out there depending on the size and look you're going for.

Here, we rounded up the best patio dining sets for every budget and style.

Our Top Picks

The seven-piece set includes six chairs and a dining table, so you can sit with multiple guests comfortably.

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This budget-friendly set is constructed from sustainably sourced acacia in your choice of two different finishes.

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With its curved arms and legs and latticework pattern, this design nods to more ornate, traditional cast iron styles.

Read Review

With the elevated height, it's comfortable to stand at the table in addition to sitting, so groups can squeeze in.

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The wooden seats and metal base look right at home in industrial, modern, and rustic spaces.

Read Review


Pieces: 7 | Materials: Aluminum, teak | Umbrella Hole: Yes | Warranty: 10 years

What We Like

  • Sits up to six people

  • Durable construction

  • Easy to clean

  • 10-year warranty

What We Don't Like

  • Expensive

  • Take several weeks to ship

Your outdoor space is your personal sanctuary, so it's understandable if you want to invest a bit in certain pieces to make it just right. Take this Frontgate set, which balances style and function for a gorgeous outdoor dining setup.

The seven-piece set includes six chairs and a dining table, so you can sit with multiple guests comfortably. Each chair is crafted of lightweight, powder-coated aluminum and features teak insets on each armrest for an elevated look. The chairs' crisp, white cushions—which are optional—are easy to clean, so you won't have to worry about any stains or spills. The set is complete with the dining table, which features a teak top situated on a powder-coated aluminum base.

Though this set is certainly a splurge, Frontgate offers a 10-year structural warranty on all outdoor aluminum, teak, and wicker furniture frames, as well as a two-year warranty on cushion fabrics, so you can feel confident in your purchase.


Pieces: 5 | Material: Acacia wood | Umbrella Hole: No | Warranty: None

What We Like

  • Durable construction

  • Good for small spaces

  • Folds up for easy storage

What We Don't Like

  • No cushions

Patio dining sets are no small purchase, and if you're looking for something that can seat four or more people, most options will start in the $500 range. If that's out of the question for you, that doesn't mean you can't find something. Just check out the ASKHOLMEN Table and Chair Set from IKEA.

The budget-friendly set is constructed from durable, sustainably sourced acacia, and each piece folds flat when not in use, making it easy to store during the off-season. The 44 1/8 x 24 3/8 inch patio table can fit four adults comfortably, though be aware you'll have to buy your own cushions.

Christopher Knight Home Hallandale Cast Aluminum Outdoor Dining Set

Pieces: 5 | Material: Aluminum | Umbrella Hole: Yes | Warranty: Not listed

What We Like

  • Lightweight

  • Rust-resistant

  • Small footprint

What We Don't Like

  • Only seats up to four people

Though cast iron has long been popular in outdoor spaces, in recent years cast aluminum has jumped in popularity amongst people looking for new metal furniture. Why? Because cast aluminum is just as durable, lighter weight, and less expensive than cast iron.

This five-piece set melds the best of new and old. With its curved arms and legs and latticework pattern, the design nods to more ornate, traditional cast iron styles and would fit in perfectly on a patio alongside traditional cast iron pieces. It's only available in black, but you can add a colorful umbrella and cushions to give it more personality.

Brockton 5-Piece Bar Height Dining Set

Pieces: 5 | Materials: Aluminum, slated resin | Umbrella Hole: No | Warranty: Not listed

What We Like

  • Great for standing and sitting

  • UV- and mildew-resistant

  • Stackable chairs for easy storage

What We Don't Like

  • Only available in two colors

Bar-height dining sets, where the table and chairs are elevated above the typical dining set, are an increasingly popular option and for good reason: They work for both intimate dinners and for more casual entertaining. With the elevated height, it's comfortable to stand at the table in addition to sitting, so friendly groups can squeeze in for a conversation. Plus, they have a more informal vibe that's perfect for outdoor areas.

This five-piece set from AllModern includes four chairs and a table, all of which have sturdy aluminum frames and slatted resin tops that are both UV- and mildew-resistant. If you're worried about the extra height making storage difficult, fear not. The chairs are stackable for the off-season.

Puerto Acacia Wood 3-piece Picnic Dining Set

What We Like

  • Small footprint

  • Durable construction

  • Water-resistant

What We Don't Like

  • Only seats up to four people

There's a reason families love sitting at picnic tables in the park: Those long, narrow benches are a flexible-seating secret because they can accommodate quite a few people for a cozy, casual meal. A bench can easily seat multiple children but also won't seem empty with just two people sitting on it. And it can take up way less space than four or five adult-size chairs. Benches are also a good space-saving option because they aren't typically as deep as chairs and don't have backs to worry about.

This bench dining set from Christopher Knight Home is an elevated take on the traditional picnic table with wooden seats and a metal base. It'll look right at home in industrial, modern, and rustic spaces, and it gives you plenty of flexibility to play around with colorful throw pillows and decor.

Final Verdict

Overall, we recommend Frontgate's Calhoun 7-pc. Dining Set (view at Frontgate), which is a splurge-worthy dining set that comes with six chairs and a spacious dining table. The durable aluminum frame can withstand the elements, and the white chair cushions (sold separately) are fade, mold, and mildew-resistant. If you want something more budget-friendly, go with the ASKHOLMEN Table and Chair Set (view at IKEA). It's functional, stylish, and perfect for small spaces.


Finding the right size pieces to fit your space is probably the biggest challenge when selecting patio furniture. You want your set to be roomy enough to be comfortable for your family and friends but not so big that it overwhelms your space. Measure carefully, incorporating enough room for people to back chairs out and walk around.


Patio furniture comes in a variety of styles, from sleek and modern to homey and rustic and everything in between. Patio furniture should complement your home's style and any existing outdoor furniture and landscaping. And if you plan to use it frequently, make sure it's comfortable and functional as well.


A patio set's material needs to be compatible with its surrounding space and climate. If your patio furniture will live in an enclosed location or will have plenty of shelter, you might not have to be as selective as you would if your furniture will be in the direct path of the sun, rain, and other elements. Look for durable products made of aluminum or teak, and see whether they've been treated to be mildew- and UV-resistant.


  • How do you clean a patio dining set?

    Be mindful of what material your patio dining set is made out of. Cleaning wood outdoor furniture is best done with a moistened cloth and mild detergent. If you're trying to get out tougher stains and mold, you might want to invest in a pressure washer. If you don't have a pressure washer, you can use a brush to scrub your furniture with water and dish shop, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, and then use your garden hose to rinse it down.

  • How do you store a patio dining set?

    Outdoor patio furniture is best stored in a dry storage space indoors or under a tarp to protect from the elements. If you must store it outside, invest in protective covers to keep it safe. Make sure your furniture is clean, dry, and free of rust before storing it. You can even apply a protective sealant before putting it into storage to prevent any moisture damage. If you're cleaning fabric cushions, read the instructions on the label carefully for appropriate care. Let these air dry before storing them as well.

  • Are patio dining sets weatherproof?

    Although some outdoor patio dining sets are weather-resistant, they're not 100 percent weatherproof. When selecting outdoor furniture, consider the weather in the area you live in. You might want to invest in sturdy materials, such as wrought iron, hardwood, or aluminum, depending on your needs. Wrought iron is wind-resistant and durable. Hardwood is known for its long-lasting potential, ability to withstand the elements, and resistance to insects and other decay. And aluminum is a material that is rust- and moisture-resistant, making it a good choice if you live somewhere that gets a lot of rain.

This article was written by Ayn-Monique Klahre, a writer who has been researching home products for The Spruce since 2017. Previously, she was an editor and has over 10 years of experience covering home decor, entertaining, and lifestyle topics for leading publications. For this article, she considered the budget, size, style, and material of each patio set.

Chinese Chippendale Dining Set




